no room in the inn
i continue to be amazed at what God is doing in lake ann and at advent. our congregation continues to grow, and we continue to see new faces and continue to face the problem of no room. we are heading to two services come next fall, but in the mean time learning to deal with the space issue. i swear that God is able to make our sanctuary (building occupancy of 79) bigger every week. last week, we had three baptisms- two young babies who were cousins and one of their fathers. we packed in 165 like sardines as you can see in the picture.
i am so thankful for what God is doing here, but at the same time am a bit anxious as we try to move forward. i fear, at times, that we are not going to be able to keep up with what we are doing...perhaps lose the mom
one of those baptized needs some prayer so i am requesting the prayers of you who may read this. this little boy, to the left, is named cameron. he is 10 months old and has recently been diagnosed with a disease called LCH and is currently undergoing Chemo treatments once a week. the prognosis is looking better every day, and the treatment seems to be working. they go back in at the end of the month to have tests done to see if the chemo was successful. to follow his story and share encouragement you can go to his carepage. if the link does not work go to and search for camspace thanks in advance for your prayers.
and finally just wanted to put this picture on there of payton...cause i think she is cute!